vendredi 23 novembre 2018

Petition luxembourg

Petition luxembourg

This is a petition to fully legalize marijuana in the country of Luxembourg. Petition 4proposes that the government PROMOTE Vegetarian and Vegan options in Luxembourg restaurants and schools. According to the petition, it is now Luxembourg s turn to introduce a law to guarantee access to tap water in restaurants, as Luxembourg has access to high quality tap water. Luxembourgish is a language spoken of most people in Luxembourg and is a huge part of the luxembourgish culture. Prisons are over-populated with non-violent offenders and many tax dollars are being spent on processing and preventing crime related to the plant.

Please support me in my work to make Luxembourg more animal-loving, thank you. The petition for a Death Star on Chambre de Dputs website has since been removed.

Online petitions democracy - Luxembourg

If the minimum number of signatures is reache a public debate is hel including the originators of the petition, members of the Petitions Commission and members of. While the Death Star petition would appear to have been made in jest and has subsequently been removed from the website, could a peaceful space station for Luxembourg be a possibility for the future? The pro hunting groups have now launched a public petition asking for the ban to be stopped. Gay marriage was recently legalized in Luxembourg, so why are we not opening our eyes and making our country more free?

The Luxembourg government announced there would be a ban on Fox Hunting in Luxembourg from 1st April 2015. But there are people who love animals and they need this day to grief their loss, far away from profit-seeking egoists. Just 5signatures are required to force MPs to hold a debate. Honestly, I am sorry for this person, with him the money comes first.

Today, Luxembourg s Jews number approximately 20 of whom, 6practise actively. Jul 1 20Luxembourgish is a part of the luxembourgish culture and we have to sign this petition to keep this language from going extinct. In 201 the petition to make Luxembourgish the country s principal language and save the Luxembourgish language before it disappears gathered a record number of signatures 16while the counter-petition collected 182. Luxembourg s Jewish community dates back at least as far as the 13th century, making Judaism the minority religion that has been practised the longest in Luxembourg.

Online petitions democracy - Luxembourg If a petition is of general interest and meets the required ethical principles, it is deemed admissible and opened for signature for days on the Chamber of Deputies website. But in a country like Luxembourg, that s no wonder.

They have already gained significant support ( signatures) to support their arguments. Please speak up For The Ban and fight th hunters. In addition, such a law could help reduce plastic and glass waste that is caused by millions of bottles of mineral water, helping the environment. There are very few Orthodox Jews in Luxembourg. AB Transport Group Home AB Texel Group compter du 1er mai, AB Texel Group acquiert une participation notable dans COMBEX Bouwlogistiek.

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